Can’t Cancel Pride: Celebrating Pride and Embracing Unity

At Safe Schools, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Procter & Gamble (P&G) and iHeartMedia to support the fifth annual Can’t Cancel Pride concert. This event, which will be hosted by the dynamic Billy Porter on June 12, 2024, is a beacon of hope and a vibrant celebration of the LGBTQ+ community.

The Importance of Pride

Pride Month is more than a series of parades and parties; it’s a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and the celebration of our identities. For many queer youth, especially those living in non-affirming environments or facing fear of coming out, events like Can’t Cancel Pride provide an essential lifeline. They offer a sense of belonging and visibility, proving that there is an expansive, accepting community ready to embrace them.

A Historical Milestone: Can’t Cancel Pride

The Can’t Cancel Pride concert was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when traditional Pride events were canceled, and many LGBTQ+ individuals felt isolated. In its first four years, this event raised over $14 million for critical LGBTQ+ organizations, reaching millions of viewers and listeners. The virtual format allowed for unprecedented access, connecting individuals across the globe who otherwise might not have been able to participate.

Why Virtual Events Matter

Virtual events like Can’t Cancel Pride are crucial for queer youth who may not have access to supportive communities in their immediate surroundings. They serve as affirmations of their identities and provide a sense of solidarity and hope. For many, seeing prominent LGBTQ+ figures and allies come together to celebrate and advocate for equality can be incredibly empowering.

An Evening of Celebration and Advocacy

This year’s Can’t Cancel Pride will feature appearances and performances from a stellar lineup, including Alan Cumming, Jennifer Hudson, and many more. The event will recognize trailblazers who drive positive change and will continue to fundraise for six vital LGBTQ+ organizations: CenterLink, GLAAD, National Black Justice Coalition, Outright International, The Trevor Project, and SAGE.

A Message to Queer Youth

To every young person who feels unseen or unsupported: You are not alone. The Can’t Cancel Pride concert is a testament to the unwavering support from the global LGBTQ+ community. It reminds us all that despite challenges, there is a community ready to claim you as its own once you feel ready to embrace your true self.

Tune In and Spread the Word

Join us on June 12, 2024, for an evening of music, celebration, and unity. The Can’t Cancel Pride concert will stream on iHeartRadio’s YouTube and Facebook pages, Hulu, Revry, and The Advocate Channel. Use the hashtag #CantCancelPride to follow along and show your support. Together, we can continue to create a world where every queer youth feels valued, seen, and loved.

Safe Schools is proud to be part of this incredible initiative, and we look forward to celebrating Pride with you. Let’s continue to spread love, acceptance, and unity, no matter where we are.

By: Rev. Harold Marrero
Chief Operating Officer

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